Support FutureNow

FutureNow requires all kinds of support. Without our financial partners, we could not fulfill our mission of impacting, encouraging, and motivating every young person we encounter in the junior and senior high public schools. Our goal for all students is to help them take hold of a clear vision for their lives and a bright hope for their futures. FutureNow’s vision is to become the nation’s premier public school outreach program, modeling passion and integrity as an example to all. We need all kinds of help to make that vision come true.

Partners like you enable us to serve rural and metro area school systems with high-end stage productions. These productions are on par with current major touring artists, all at no cost to students and their families. We present an unforgettable message to middle and high school students through live music, drama, and real-life stories they can relate to and apply to their daily lives. These life-changing events are made possible by partners like you. Please join FutureNow’s mission to change the course of America’s teenage generation.

FutureNow has partnered with to make supporting FutureNow headache free. Egiving solutions assist in funding Christian ministries with effective strategies and tools of electronic giving (recurring and online giving). Egiving serves both the church and para-church (missions, schools, pregnancy centers and works of mercy) and those organizations protecting and promoting basic Christian values for the sake of this nation.

FutureNow provides a entire musical band with guitar players, drummers, singers, and more. We require fully operational sound equipment, musical instruments, and sounds technicians.

We maintain a fleet of trucks and trailers to move our stage, sound, and lighting equipment from school to school across America. Touring around the United States can be costly and we rely on our supports.

FutureNow has a full time working team that helps move the positive message forward. Our hard working team of musical artist, web developers, preachers, and more all work hard and draw a paycheck.


Financially Support FutureNow

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